Medical Tattooing
These Services are customized for each individual client to help restore their natural anatomy or skin pigmentation or even cover scars with traditional style tattoos.

Skin Camoflauge
This technique involves the matching and re-pigmenting of lighter colored scar tissue to hide any scars or blemishes.

Areola restoration/post-mastectomy
Our technicians specialize in understanding your health, wellness and healing process post-mastectomy to give you the most realistic and safe procedure possible to restore your original anatomy.

areola recoloration
Whether your areolas have lost color overtime or you have discoloration or scars from a surgery like breast reduction, top-surgery or implants...we can help.

anatomical restoration/toe nail
Most commonly we find people have had their toe-nails removed for various reasons and we can help restore this area (toe-nail must be completely removed by physican first).

anatomical restoration/lip
Cleft palette or even cancer can be a reason to feel like your smile needs a little restoration. Through multiple techniques we can help you regain the smile you always had.